Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello :3
It's safe to assume that the picture above is me, Logan Noelle Boadway.
Well, I'm not 100% sure where to start off, but I was introduced to this blog site by my friend Miranda Smith. She thought it would be a good environment for me to blow off steam or to just share my endless bucket of thoughts, and I agree, I'm sure I'll have articles upon articles in no time XD. Anyway, I just wanted to start off by introducing myself. I am a senior at Northeast High School, I was born and raised in Tennesee, and spend the majoirty of my time, well, still figuring myself out :3 I'm a natural brunette but I now have red hair that matches my at times, ''firey'' temper. I often come off as passive, and I won't lie, I'm pretty harmless. However, catch me in the right mood or environment, and I'll chirp and chatter your ears off. I have a high tolerance for people, but you'll find fairly quickly that I will NOT tolerate disrespect, rascism, gay hate, or just flat out rudeness. Aside from that, I love sweets, cheese ;D, anything fuzzy and small*i literally cry at the sight of small hamsters and kittens* makeup, pyschology, horror movies and all things scary, and James Kotel. He's an asian guy that may come up in some of my posts later on. Oh, yeah I date him >.> and he's probably my perfect match; he's the one person more abnoxious then I am. Ah yes, love.
 Well I've already began to chatter, so I will end this here and hope to add more in the future :3

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